Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hello and welcome from Finn Bay Photography. The intent of this blog is to share photos and information about equipment, techniques and technology about photography. This is being started from some pretty humble beginnings, so we'll see what "develops" from here! Please keep photos to no larger than 600 pixels on the long side to allow for easy viewing on the blog. This is intended to be a friendly forum. C&C only when asked for and no flamers! Thanks, and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hi Finn,

Read on one of the posts that you know about Ferne Lake. I have a PMA Endorsement from the USFS to camp in the Fungus Lake PMA this June. I intend to camp on Ferne. It looks like a potential fishing gem. Can you give me any tips on where to locate the old portage that used to exist? Did any of your friends fish Ferne? You can email me at if you would rather have a private conversation about it...



finnbay said...


You are an ambitious fella if you plan to camp in that area. I only have limited knowledge about Ferne, from one of the guys that I used to duck hunt with on the Parent River. We'd leave from Isabella Lake and paddle down the river past where the creek left for Ferne. The beginning is navigable, but as I understand it, gets pretty difficult except at high water times. The maps I have don't show any portages until you get just west of the lake. Then it looks as if the portage is on the north side of the creek going into Ferne (330 rods).Looks like you can also come down from Insula through Arrow, but I have no info on that route. They went in for fishing, but didn't give my any indication whether they did well or not. I'm suspecting that it's primarily a northern lake because of the terrain around it. Should be good, it doesn't get touched much. Sorry I don't have more. Let me know if you make it into there and how you did. Maybe I'll take a trip there myself some day.

kimcliftrn said...

Dear Finnbay, Do you have any curtain Falls pictures for sale? Thank you kim